Welcome to Aigües del Vendrell S.A's Code of Ethics and Conduct
Information and Communication Channel

You are using AIGÜES DEL VENDRELL, SA's legally established infringement and reporting information channel, first of all, we want to thank you for trusting us and to tell you that your testimony and information will surely help us to continue improving.

Once this communication has been made, from now on an independent auditor will analyse and process your information or statement, of which AIGÜES DEL VENDRELL, SA will not have knowledge of its specific content or informant, and this is so whether it is anonymous or not. Your communication is protected by the Directive for the Protection of Whistleblowers of Union Law Violations as well as Law 2/2023, the external audit person to AIGÜES DEL VENDRELL, SA will attend and investigate them properly in a confidential manner, being subject to professional secrecy and assessing their impact independently. Remember that you can choose to make this communication through this channel, by phone, by email and by letter or in person at the following address:

Av. Corts Catalanes nº 5 pis 1
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès

If you want to use this form, you will see only the fields marked with an * are mandatory. Once the report is completed, click submit. Immediately after, below this text, you will find a link and a randomly generated password. DO NOT lose it because they are unrepeatable.

If you lose them, you would have to start again. If the report is not anonymous, then you will also receive it in your email, but remember, no one else can access it. Therefore, if you lose the link and / or the password, you will not be able to see how your complaint is going.

Sr. Fruitós Richarte - VIADENUNCIA
Av. Corts Catalanes, 5-7 1r
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès

Legal manager of the system (according to art. 8 of Law 2/2023): Fruitós Richarte i Travesset (member of the Compliance committee)

Technical manager of the system (guarantees the security and operation of the system): Laura Mora i Aubert (IT specialist)

Web Form

Instrucciones Básicas Buzones internos

Por favor, antes de denunciar, le rogamos que lea atentamente procedimiento de gestión de comunicaciones y denuncias de este buzón (PDF), es importante que conozca cómo funciona y qué tipos de denuncias puede formular, para poder hacer un buen uso del mismo.

Igualmente le recordamos que el uso del buzón a mala fe será perseguido y sancionado. En caso de duda contacte con el administrador del buzón.

Elija uno de los canales de comunicación disponibles. En caso de ser telefónico, mail, correo postal o presencial deberá detallar brevemente el asunto de su denuncia. Recuerde que para la formulación de una denuncia presencial será preciso reservar día y hora.

Para la denuncia online siga los siguientes pasos:

  1. Rellene todos los campos del formulario

  2. Seleccione si desea que su denuncia sea anónima.

  3. Seleccione las áreas de afectación de su denuncia.

  4. Asunto y texto de su denuncia. En caso de aportar algún documento puede anexar ficheros.

  5. Si ha seleccionado NO en el paso 2, deberá rellenar correctamente sus datos personales.

  6. Aceptación de términos y condiciones del Buzón.

Una vez finalizado el proceso se generará un enlace y contraseña automática y aleatoria para seguimiento online de la denuncia. La contraseña es irremplazable y no recuperable. En caso de pérdida deberá volver a realizar el proceso de introducción de la denuncia. Para las denuncias que aporten datos personales, esta contraseña y enlace llegarán al email proporcionado.


Why should I send a message?

A real and true ethical culture requires compliance with social and legal standards. Through this Ethics Channel, you can report any misconduct, especially violations of applicable laws, as well as breaches of internal policies and procedures. The use of the Channel guarantees the sustainability of the organization and the future continuity of the employees who belong to it. Statistically, the Ethical Channel is the most effective means of crime prevention for companies.

What kind of information should I report?

Any possible infringement of the Code of Ethics and Conduct that may have occurred by employees, managers and collaborators of the organization, as well as events that fall within the scope of public procurement, subsidies and personnel financed with European funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism or Next Generation EU Funds within the scope of Empresa Municipal de Transportes Públicos de Tarragona, S.A. (EMTSA). During the registration process of the communication, you will be provided with more detailed information on the possible key elements of the message,

Confidentiality of the communication

Users may send CONFIDENTIAL or ANONYMOUS communications:

CONFIDENTIAL communications: through this option, the channel manager guarantees users who make any CONFIDENTIAL communication to keep their identity confidential, provided that it is not required by the authorities or that the communication has been made in the knowledge that it is false.

ANONYMOUS communications: this option will not request any personal information during the registration process of the communication. Throughout the process of exchanging information with the channel manager, the user may be asked for personal information.

If you are a registered user, you will receive an e-mail with a link to fill in this information and voluntarily submit it to the channel manager, if you deem it appropriate. If you are not a registered user, if deemed appropriate, you must access your communication with the tracking code provided to you at the end of the registration of the communication and add a new comment to it, specifying the personal data required by the manager.

What happens if your report is subsequently found not to constitute an offence or infringement?

When making your report, what is important is that you believe or have reason to believe that the content of the report is truthful and relevant and that you have no intention of defame, acting in good faith. If after the stipulated period for investigation of the communication, it is concluded that no irregularity or infringement has occurred or that the fact described was not what was initially believed to be the case, there will be no consequences.

Purpose of the data

The data submitted to the Ethical Channel will in no case be used for purposes other than the investigation of the reported facts.


The following links contain the documents approved by AIGÜES DEL VENDRELL, SA the Code of Ethics and Conduct

Sr. Fruitós Richarte - VIADENUNCIA
Av. Corts Catalanes, 5-7 1r
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès

Web Form

Instrucciones Básicas Buzones internos

Por favor, antes de denunciar, le rogamos que lea atentamente procedimiento de gestión de comunicaciones y denuncias de este buzón (PDF), es importante que conozca cómo funciona y qué tipos de denuncias puede formular, para poder hacer un buen uso del mismo.

Igualmente le recordamos que el uso del buzón a mala fe será perseguido y sancionado. En caso de duda contacte con el administrador del buzón.

Elija uno de los canales de comunicación disponibles. En caso de ser telefónico, mail, correo postal o presencial deberá detallar brevemente el asunto de su denuncia. Recuerde que para la formulación de una denuncia presencial será preciso reservar día y hora.

Para la denuncia online siga los siguientes pasos:

  1. Rellene todos los campos del formulario

  2. Seleccione si desea que su denuncia sea anónima.

  3. Seleccione las áreas de afectación de su denuncia.

  4. Asunto y texto de su denuncia. En caso de aportar algún documento puede anexar ficheros.

  5. Si ha seleccionado NO en el paso 2, deberá rellenar correctamente sus datos personales.

  6. Aceptación de términos y condiciones del Buzón.

Una vez finalizado el proceso se generará un enlace y contraseña automática y aleatoria para seguimiento online de la denuncia. La contraseña es irremplazable y no recuperable. En caso de pérdida deberá volver a realizar el proceso de introducción de la denuncia. Para las denuncias que aporten datos personales, esta contraseña y enlace llegarán al email proporcionado.


Why should I send a message?

A real and true ethical culture requires compliance with social and legal standards. Through this Ethics Channel, you can report any misconduct, especially violations of applicable laws, as well as breaches of internal policies and procedures. The use of the Channel guarantees the sustainability of the organization and the future continuity of the employees who belong to it. Statistically, the Ethical Channel is the most effective means of crime prevention for companies.

What kind of information should I report?

Any possible infringement of the Code of Ethics and Conduct that may have occurred by employees, managers and collaborators of the organization, as well as events that fall within the scope of public procurement, subsidies and personnel financed with European funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism or Next Generation EU Funds within the scope of Empresa Municipal de Transportes Públicos de Tarragona, S.A. (EMTSA). During the registration process of the communication, you will be provided with more detailed information on the possible key elements of the message,

Confidentiality of the communication

Users may send CONFIDENTIAL or ANONYMOUS communications:

CONFIDENTIAL communications: through this option, the channel manager guarantees users who make any CONFIDENTIAL communication to keep their identity confidential, provided that it is not required by the authorities or that the communication has been made in the knowledge that it is false.

ANONYMOUS communications: this option will not request any personal information during the registration process of the communication. Throughout the process of exchanging information with the channel manager, the user may be asked for personal information.

If you are a registered user, you will receive an e-mail with a link to fill in this information and voluntarily submit it to the channel manager, if you deem it appropriate. If you are not a registered user, if deemed appropriate, you must access your communication with the tracking code provided to you at the end of the registration of the communication and add a new comment to it, specifying the personal data required by the manager.

What happens if your report is subsequently found not to constitute an offence or infringement?

When making your report, what is important is that you believe or have reason to believe that the content of the report is truthful and relevant and that you have no intention of defame, acting in good faith. If after the stipulated period for investigation of the communication, it is concluded that no irregularity or infringement has occurred or that the fact described was not what was initially believed to be the case, there will be no consequences.

Purpose of the data

The data submitted to the Ethical Channel will in no case be used for purposes other than the investigation of the reported facts.


The following links contain the documents approved by AIGÜES DEL VENDRELL, SA the Code of Ethics and Conduct


Instrucciones Básicas Buzones internos

Por favor, antes de denunciar, le rogamos que lea atentamente procedimiento de gestión de comunicaciones y denuncias de este buzón (PDF), es importante que conozca cómo funciona y qué tipos de denuncias puede formular, para poder hacer un buen uso del mismo.

Igualmente le recordamos que el uso del buzón a mala fe será perseguido y sancionado. En caso de duda contacte con el administrador del buzón.

Elija uno de los canales de comunicación disponibles. En caso de ser telefónico, mail, correo postal o presencial deberá detallar brevemente el asunto de su denuncia. Recuerde que para la formulación de una denuncia presencial será preciso reservar día y hora.

Para la denuncia online siga los siguientes pasos:

  1. Rellene todos los campos del formulario

  2. Seleccione si desea que su denuncia sea anónima.

  3. Seleccione las áreas de afectación de su denuncia.

  4. Asunto y texto de su denuncia. En caso de aportar algún documento puede anexar ficheros.

  5. Si ha seleccionado NO en el paso 2, deberá rellenar correctamente sus datos personales.

  6. Aceptación de términos y condiciones del Buzón.

Una vez finalizado el proceso se generará un enlace y contraseña automática y aleatoria para seguimiento online de la denuncia. La contraseña es irremplazable y no recuperable. En caso de pérdida deberá volver a realizar el proceso de introducción de la denuncia. Para las denuncias que aporten datos personales, esta contraseña y enlace llegarán al email proporcionado.


Why should I send a message?

A real and true ethical culture requires compliance with social and legal standards. Through this Ethics Channel, you can report any misconduct, especially violations of applicable laws, as well as breaches of internal policies and procedures. The use of the Channel guarantees the sustainability of the organization and the future continuity of the employees who belong to it. Statistically, the Ethical Channel is the most effective means of crime prevention for companies.

What kind of information should I report?

Any possible infringement of the Code of Ethics and Conduct that may have occurred by employees, managers and collaborators of the organization, as well as events that fall within the scope of public procurement, subsidies and personnel financed with European funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism or Next Generation EU Funds within the scope of Empresa Municipal de Transportes Públicos de Tarragona, S.A. (EMTSA). During the registration process of the communication, you will be provided with more detailed information on the possible key elements of the message,

Confidentiality of the communication

Users may send CONFIDENTIAL or ANONYMOUS communications:

CONFIDENTIAL communications: through this option, the channel manager guarantees users who make any CONFIDENTIAL communication to keep their identity confidential, provided that it is not required by the authorities or that the communication has been made in the knowledge that it is false.

ANONYMOUS communications: this option will not request any personal information during the registration process of the communication. Throughout the process of exchanging information with the channel manager, the user may be asked for personal information.

If you are a registered user, you will receive an e-mail with a link to fill in this information and voluntarily submit it to the channel manager, if you deem it appropriate. If you are not a registered user, if deemed appropriate, you must access your communication with the tracking code provided to you at the end of the registration of the communication and add a new comment to it, specifying the personal data required by the manager.

What happens if your report is subsequently found not to constitute an offence or infringement?

When making your report, what is important is that you believe or have reason to believe that the content of the report is truthful and relevant and that you have no intention of defame, acting in good faith. If after the stipulated period for investigation of the communication, it is concluded that no irregularity or infringement has occurred or that the fact described was not what was initially believed to be the case, there will be no consequences.

Purpose of the data

The data submitted to the Ethical Channel will in no case be used for purposes other than the investigation of the reported facts.


The following links contain the documents approved by AIGÜES DEL VENDRELL, SA the Code of Ethics and Conduct


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In accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, hereinafter LOPDGDD and REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter RGPD, the data supplied by the User will be incorporated in an automated treatment, which will be processed exclusively for the purpose described in each case. These will be collect…